Today, I revisited my blog posts over there
brought back some memories
Here you go (they get better towards the end):
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
He walked towards me ten minutes till I was to escape my late night shift. His eyes were red and big and his hands trembled as he approached the counter, a full sandwich put together looking very good, a bottle of soda, a candy bar and a piece of pizza. He hiccupped. I assisted him with weighing the sandwich judging he was exhausted and apparently disoriented as he handed me his candy bar to pay for his total of seven dollars. No, that one is for you, he pulled out his wallet and told me and the women waiting behind him he couldn't believe it, he had dozed off in the lobby and woke up eight hours later and his wallet was still there on his lap and so was his money, that's Portland for you, very cool. A stack of cards and slips of paper and maybe some money hidden in the bunch, no I watched him carefully go through each slip checking for his money. I spotted currency, foreign, where is it from? But I saw the last half of the word
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
phia, sophie, sophia
her wide blue eyes couldn't stop twinkling, you know that look in the eyes when someone is truly smiling inside
i think it was her grandmother and grandfather who brought her through my line first.
general patience growing shorter with the five year old
asking questions, of course
wondering why people are the way they are, i wonder too
she came through with her aunts,
nice women buying the helpless child food
she almost fit in with their own children, but not quite, the way they looked down at her in pure disbelief and slight annoyance
she had hope when you knew she was surrounded by suffering, she was bright and quick to comment on truth rarely anyone admits exists
i looked forward to seeing her come towards me with whomever might be feeding her that day
her mother the most impatient of them all, get over here, stop it
rolling her eyes and corralling her with her foot
where does the irritation stem, it doesn't make sense for i don't know what brought them to the hospital for weeks
her last day she asked me "are you my friend?"
i am your friend sophia
Saturday, October 28, 2006
beautiful day
it's a beautiful day
well yes I thought . . it was sunny, pleasant temperature, perfect summer afternoon
yes sir it is
my wife just woke up from a two month coma today
and she won't stop talking
Saturday, October 28, 2006
I've been found out. Two sisters together have the nerve to say anything. One is relieved that their mother's "friend" finally came to keep her company in the hospital. It's the first time she's not reluctant to see him; after all her mother kicked her out of the house so she could drink sherry and sit in the hot tub with him. I don't need to hear about their dysfunctional family says the other. I'm sure she hears about dysfunction all the time working up here, enough to write a book even.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
working in a hospital, people want to talk
all sorts of people about all sorts of things
they think we want to know
at first I was caught off guard
mumbling some sort of response
hoping they wouldn't decipher my incompetence
then I soon found fun in remarking
not cleverly just unique
catching them off guard, admitting honesty
or sometimes I would borrow a phrase
those few words I would worry about scrambling
and never can quite tell what they infer
he was telling me about a movie, Flying Nuns
something just wasn't real
well I said, there's a time for everything
yes, he said yes there is
and sat there gazing out the bus window
marveling over my profound timing
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