Monday, May 11, 2015


i can't believe it's only been five weeks that we've been living here, it feels like five months ... funny how you turn the page and there's no going back ... just memories of the way it used to be. so we've been thick into knee deep projects and back again and even those feel like miles away now that we're tucked into our cozy home :) not quite sure where this blog will go since we've tackled a handful of items so fast and furiously and without internet that i don't know if i'll ever be able to blog about them but here's a little sampling and if you'd like to know more about any of them, please let me know and i'll expand:

VACANT - pictures below
day 1 carpet removal
day 2 discovered termites
week 1 deep cleaning, rebuilt bathtub surround, replaced octopus light with ceiling fan
week 2 painting (ceiling and walls only), patched leaking basement, removed drywall
week 3 refinished fir floors
week 4 abated asbestos tile floor and mastic in basement
weekend 4 moved!

MOVED - pictures in next post
week 1 nothing (slept, hid in the bedroom with space heater)
week 2 setup bedroom, started to unpack living/dining
week 3 not much, trips to the dump, setup guest bed for our first house guests, insurance policy cancellation scare
week 4 installing new base shoe for baseboard and painted baseboard
week 5 finished unpacking, replaced light switches, grounded outlets, installed barn lamp
weekend 5 first dinner for mother's day

finish painting trim (window/doors)
paint kitchen
paint bathroom
clean out crawlspace
replace roof

but for now the place feels livable and settled and we can start digging in the yard and playing in the sun :)