do you know the significance of March 8th?

it's a day celebrated all over the world: international women's day
yes, i knew march was women's history month but i did not know about march 8th
today my bosnian coworker told me about how she would be celebrating with all of her women friends with a party t0night and tomorrow her sons would be getting her something special, teacher's are brought flowers, employers by their female employees lunch, etc.
today my bosnian coworker told me about how she would be celebrating with all of her women friends with a party t0night and tomorrow her sons would be getting her something special, teacher's are brought flowers, employers by their female employees lunch, etc.
how come the US does nothing special for women on this day? (ok, i was invited to go to a women's day fair at PSU tomorrow - but that just isn't the same as an actual holiday/special day)
we are a country that fought for women's rights and succeeded, or did we . . .
. . . women do two-thirds of the world's work but receive only 10% of the world's income
. . . one year out of college women earn 20% less than men and 10 years later 31% less
. . . females in developing countries on average carry 20 litres of water per day over 6 km
. . . pregnant women in Africa are 180 times more likely to die than in Western Europe
. . . women's education is the most powerful predictor of lower fertility rates
. . . globally women account for the majority of people aged over 60 and over 80
. . . globally women comprise 42% internet users (Italy 37% ... US & Canada 51%)
. . . women spend more time researching before they invest than men do
. . . women control $14 trillion in assets and this should grow to $22 trillion over next 10 years
. . . 56% of women who voted supported Obama compared to only 49% of men voted for Obama
. . . women use 20,000 words a day while men only use 7,000
so go let the women in your life know they are appreciated :)
To find out more about International Women's Day, check out this site
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