Saturday, June 28, 2008

i'm building a house!

with habit for humanity that is

i've joined the "women build" and worked on day 1 and 2

the concrete foundation was poured and we set the sill plates and got half way done with laying the beams and posts on a perimeter wall foundation. work takes much longer than a typical build because none of us know all the shortcuts and tricks that an experienced builder would. so we learn by trial and error and figure out our own tricks.


  1. HEiDi,
    I am SO proud of YOU!!!!

    wow wow wow!!
    I just found your blogsite & am very impressed with all your thoughts & ideas!
    You are such an inspiration to me*

    Keep going girl!

    x-x-x- mom

  2. thank you for sharing. I am really glad for you!


  3. wow heidi! how cool to be involved with such an amazing organization!

    hey, maybe you can help us build our house one of these days. ;)

